The girl walked while I opened the paper
was written on her eating dates and treatment. Everything is ready for hot food, but there is a cook who does the food in the morning, but it is strange, oh, the cook, why do you not fight with the girl and the nurse who changes and cleans her in a strange thing in this matter, but I do not leave the creation to the Creator, I looked From the window, the one-eyed doorman was sitting in his place, not moving at all, but he looked very scary and terrifying
. She returned her dinner, went to her health, ate it, took her treatment, and went to watch TV until one hour after midnight, and here I heard the sound of a door banging loudly from above. I found a girl standing in front of the mirrors and wearing a white dress of joy and dancing, the same paralyzed girl was standing and very happy, she told me while laughing in a strange way and my heart stood up: I am beautiful in the white dress, not like that, Manar.
I was terrified of her too. I knew my name and how I moved and stood paralyzed, neither moving nor speaking, because of the horror I used to do while standing on myself from fear to the point that I couldn't move from my place from so much fear and panic, she came closer to me and said in a voice like a loud hissing: I don't like my sister, myself dies and I rest because she is very much, I hate her very much.
I was dying of fright, but I asked her nervously: She came to move and was healthy and not
It was the same paralyzed girl who was standing and very happy, she said to me while laughing in a strange way, my heart stood up: I am beautiful in the white dress, not like that, Manar.
But the bride was sewn with a black thread, and with many pins embedded in her leg, she looked very scary and terrifying.
I saw a strange scene in the mirrors as if I was watching TV. The sister of the paralyzed girl was cutting how many locks of her hair while she was sleeping, and then her sister gave her six old, semi-charlatans a lock of hair. I sewed it up, and when I opened the bugs and sewed it up again, the two men returned, I did the same story.