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Ghost of a child in the room

Ghost of a child in the room

Alsllm Grstenl
Ghost of a child in the room

I had moved to the front page on the first page of the first page, and the first page was on the first page of the first page page. I opened my eyes and imagined that my eldest aunt would be sitting next to me as usual, but I
couldn't find anyone

I closed my eyes and went to sleep and said to myself: I may have imagined it, and so the first night passed, but then this incident repeated every night, until it came to the feeling that someone was sleeping next to me, and I feel as if there are warm breaths chasing me wherever I go, and the matter developed and I noticed My infant daughter looks at the ceiling, looks left and right, and points with her hands as if she is watching something, even though the room is completely empty

Thus, I began to feel that this house was surrounded by some mystery, and after a while one of my relatives came to visit me, and she told me, as soon as they entered her, that this house was strange and psychologically uncomfortable, and I felt that it was haunted, I rose in terror at the idea, but I tried to forget it or ignore it, and I continued talking with my relative But I was surprised by her asking me about the child who plays with my daughter in her room, so I said to her, Which child? I only have two daughters, one of whom is a baby, and she replied that she saw a little boy standing in the window of one of the rooms overlooking the street while she was entering the house
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